Saturday, December 19, 2009

imagination beyond limitations

"Avatar: An object that represents the computer user of himself/herself, from the sanskrit word avatara which translates into appearance or manifestation."

AVATAR!!! Saw it yesterday in 3D!!
It was !!!!!!!!!!!!! If there was such a planet as Pandora, that will be so cool.

A spectacular world beyond imagination
Big, pink flowers that spirals to the top, closes into a tiny flower whenever touched;
Trees with curtains of glowing vines that can hear our ancestor's voices;
Plants that glow whenever touched;
Dragonflies with wings that move in circular motion instead of flapping;
Flowers that float like jellyfishes in the sea;
Mountains that float in mid air, defying gravity, with waterfalls gushing down but never reaching the bottom;
Branches that glow whenever stepped;
Whenever the plants glow, it's like they are singing a melodious tune...

The bad thing is most of the animals need to hunt for food & we're meat.
But I guess we must accept the bad with the good, it's the balance of nature.

James Cameron creates awesome movies!!! Can't wait for his next one!!
All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back where it was.
-Toni Morrison



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