keep dreaming...;
all the way. I feel I'm like helping them advertise.
always using hot celebrities to promote their products....
REMINDER: Soft drinks are not good for health. there.
NOTE: It won't make you crash buildings.
NOTE: You won't feel the urge to run in the rain.
NOTE: There's no magnetic force that pulls you towards it.
NOTE: Don't wait. Just take?
NOTE: Driving Pepsi trucks won't make you cool.
NOTE: Contact is everything?
NOTE: Contact is everything?
NOTE: You won't turn into a special agent clad in a tight leather suit and fight bad guys without breaking a sweat.
NOTE: It won't help you stay young.
NOTE: Love her body. And her dancing. And her singing....lalala
Drink too much Pepsi and you'll loose your teeth, break your bones and turn into an old grandma living in a ..... you-don't-wanna-know-where area. Capish?
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